Christmas is a BIG deal at my house! When I say Big I mean BIG!!
There are so many people, it's hard to keep track.
PLUS, we don't wait until midnight to open presents, only because there's SO many that if we waited until midnight to start, we wouldn't finish until around 3 AM!!
This year we decided to start around 11 PM and we finished at about 2 AM. That should tell you how many of us get together!
(You should have seen the amount of gifts we had, too)
Anyway, here are some pictures from Christmas Eve:
Vicky being her adorable self:

My Brother and nephews:

Vicky messing with the Christmas tree:

Some of the kids waiting for their next gift:

Alma got us all the same shoes:

Look how high the trash was stacked at the end of the night!:

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas Eve as I did with my family!!
Again, Merry Christmas!
There are so many people, it's hard to keep track.
PLUS, we don't wait until midnight to open presents, only because there's SO many that if we waited until midnight to start, we wouldn't finish until around 3 AM!!
This year we decided to start around 11 PM and we finished at about 2 AM. That should tell you how many of us get together!
(You should have seen the amount of gifts we had, too)
Anyway, here are some pictures from Christmas Eve:
Vicky being her adorable self:
My Brother and nephews:
Vicky messing with the Christmas tree:

Some of the kids waiting for their next gift:
Alma got us all the same shoes:
Look how high the trash was stacked at the end of the night!:
I hope you all had an amazing Christmas Eve as I did with my family!!
Again, Merry Christmas!
It was a blast... and of course I loved it! I love Christmas! We have such a great time! I love how we do things... would not change a thing! We might complain a little at first, but it always ends up so great, and we always have those funny moments! Man thongs! LOL