So my beautiful cousins
^ (this is them) ^
decided to come and visit me this weekend in Malibu. I was so excited because it had been so long since we had hung out and we all needed to get away from being 'adults' for a while! We met up at
Santa Monica, walked to the Pier and had dinner at MariaSol, a Mexican restaurant all the way at the end of the long pier (it was pretty good, but they took forever with our food/drinks and it was sorta expensive, but not too bad). Here is a picture of my cousins and I on the pier:
decided to come and visit me this weekend in Malibu. I was so excited because it had been so long since we had hung out and we all needed to get away from being 'adults' for a while! We met up at

After having dinner and walking back to our cars (for-ever far away, by the way) we were all tired from driving all day so we decided to have an "early" night... little did we know we were going to end up talking for hours, spontaneously walking down to the beach, and not going to sleep until close to 1 am!!
(By the way, I had to wake up at 5:45 am the next morning to go to my weekend insurance classes)
Do you think I woke up??
Of course I did!! I am responsible, you know!
**So proud of myself**
It was such an amazing weekend and I am so grateful to have been blessed with such great cousins! Though we have been through some rough patches, our friendship has never ceased to exist and I am glad our good times are better than our bad!
Soooo much better!! =]
P.S. Here is a picture of Hubby and I on the Pier with the sun setting on the ocean!
Breathtaking, I know!
Aww... it's good to see that you three have come around and hang out again, even if it is once in a blue moon. Looks like you guys had a blast! Maybe Alex and I can go down there next weekend. He had to work this past weekend, but doesn't work next weekend... what do you think? I have been wanting to visit you for ever! :-) Let's plan something... and you can make me some cookies from scratch! lol. Seriously. Well, let me know what ya think! Love ya. Muah!