Thursday, August 27, 2009


LOVE this:

"Haikus are easy
But sometimes they don't make sense.

LOL. I laughed so hard my water almost came out of my nose, haha. I didn't expect a brown shirt to be so funny.

I have a bit of things to blog about but I've been so busy lately. And, I might get just a tad bit more busy, but it's ok because I love my job!

More info soon. :)
God Bless! <3

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

True Blessings

I have been super busy at work lately that I haven't had a chance to update the blog, but I haven't forgotten you. I am just as Blessed as I am busy and I wanted to write a short (maybe not so short) post about how amazing God is. Grab some popcorn and read-on! :D

Lately, there has been a light shining on me and following me everywhere I go. I feel the calm during the storm, and I have received many Blessings... Blessings that may seem like any ordinary event to others.
Not to me.

A few months back I got a ticket for taking a red light. And just my luck, it was at a light with a camera so it was all caught on video and the pictures are as clear as can be! Sadly, I admit I took the light. I mean, I was turning right AND the light had a green right arrow (albehit, I turned just as the light turned Red, lol) but I was so mad at the cost. Ventura County expected me to pay $436 for not fully stopping (or for not stopping at all, haha) before turning right. If you look at my driving record, I am a good driver. Dang it, I'm a GREAT driver! I was not about to pay close to $450 for this. I wouldn't. Plus, I didn't want this to be on my spotless driving record. Off to court I went to fight this thing.

I have always been told that you cannot fight a ticket for which the crime was caught on camera. I read online about excuses to give but was always told that it is rare that they even consider hearing this kind of case. I was only hoping and praying that the fine would be reduced to a more reasonable amount. And that I could take some sort of traffic school to clean up my record. That's all. Is that too much to ask?

My court date was set for August 14th at 1:30 PM. I had to take time off of work to go, and I thought I was going to be there from 1:30 - 5:00 PM. I got to the court house around 12:30, just in case I couldn't find my way around, lol. I sat patiently waiting for the court room to be opened. I was so nervous as I saw more people and even officers walk towards the court room where I was to go. Nervously, I wondered if any of the cops was the one that was there because of me. Even though I didn't get physically stopped by a cop, my ticket had a signature of an officer that was to charge me with my crime...

1:20 PM came around and they finally opened the doors. I confidently (on the outside at least) walked in and sat in the front row. First seat. I just wanted this to be over with. Quickly. Please?

The secretary began taking roll and I realized that there was no officer there for my case. I kept praying because I was on video AND pictures... All I need is traffic school. I'd love a lower fine as well, but traffic school will do. I will be a happy camper. Promise!

Sitting and waiting for the judge to walk in made me feel like I was a horrible criminal. Like, I was the only one in the room and the judge knew what I did and how horrible it was. Almost as though it was so bad, I should be tossed in jail! Especially after being sworn in. Boy was I nervous!!

The judge walked in, greeted us, and began talking to the secretary. She handed him my paper work... OUR paperwork (there were about 15 other criminals in there with me, lol). Nervously, I hoped he'd start with me so I can just pay and get out of there.

The judge looked at my papers (I really WAS the first one he looked at!!!) and asked for the officer on my case. Lucky for me, he wasn't there. Phew! Now if I could only ask the judge to look at my driving history... and explain to him that I was in a hurry... on my very first day on my new job (true story)! I just know he'd understand... well, not know per say, but I hoped. Man, did I hope! I prayed he'd understand. I prayed for a week that he'd understand.
The judge called my name and I waved that I was present. He looked at me (in my business attire, of course!) and looked back down at my paperwork. 1:42 PM. He read my papers and came to a conclusion. Speaking to the secretary by his side, I could barely understand what he was saying. I sat patiently waiting to hear my sentencing (LOL) and he moved on... Next criminal.

What happened...? I can't stand having to wait. Is my fee any less then when I walked in? CAN I go to traffic shool? Is it really an impossible ticket to fight that the judge didn't even let me defend my mistake?

Well, dear reader, remember the title of the post: True Blessings.
My case was dismissed. DISMISSED!! You read that right. No fine! No traffic school! NOTHING! Thank you Jesus! I am free. No longer a criminal! I was out of the court-room by 1:52 PM! I wasn't even in there for half an hour! God has a plan for each one of us and he knows what it takes to teach us a lesson. All I needed was a ticked to loom over my head for a few weeks. Now, I am extremely cautious around lights. Even if there are NO cameras! I think Hubby hates it when I mention to him that there's a camera. Especially when the light just turned green, lol. What can I say, I learned my lesson!

I hope you can learn to trust in God. Leave it up to Him to make any situation better.
I've been thinking if posting about my relationship with God on this blog would be a bad business decision, but after much thought and prayer, I have come to think, why not? It is MY blog, by the way, and God is a HUGE part of my life. There's no reason to hide it. Don't worry though, I do promise to keep these kinds of posts to a minimum. You'll see. :)

God Bless!
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you;
He will never leave you nor forsake you."
Deuteronomy 31:6

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Karen's Baby Shower!

  Karen is going to have a baby and I am very excited for her! She is such a beautiful preggo woman and I can only hope I get to look as good as she does at 8 months in! Check out these images and you'll see what I mean!

Location of the Baby Shower. It was a perfect day!

Karen & Jessie

They're so in love!

Isn't her dress adorable!?

Ok, I LOVE, Love, love the name she picked for her baby girl: 

Some of her girlfriends that joined her on this special day!

This shot was unexpected and I love it that much more! :)

Thanks for letting me capture these memories for you, Karen & Jessie! 
Can't wait until Baby Delilah is born! 
Congratulations once again!